Play and spoken word about child poverty in a rich city

by Akın Emanuel Şipal

from 10 years of age

The French fries paradise is in Belgium, says Johanna, who meets Emin in the supermarket at night as he's stuffing his pockets. Wait, at night in the supermarket?
The everyday rhythm of the beeping of the goods scanner, coughing and clearing of the throat puts the cashier and customer into a trance. Until it's the turn of the boy and his mum. She counts out coins, but it's just not enough. The woman is insulted and told not to hold everyone up. Furious, Emin decides to lock himself in at night.
He is astonished when he discovers that the supermarket has a life of its own at night. There's the night cashier who demands good stories instead of money, and the hectic supermarket manager who wants to launch the latest energy drink "Sugar 3000". And the broccoli is fighting with the crisps over who is more popular with people. Meanwhile, the moth eats what it likes. Because what is a "product" and what does "belong" mean? If you're hungry, you take what's there, right?

The renowned director Liesbeth Coltof, known in Düsseldorf for "The Boy with the Suitcase" and "Antigone", has initiated the global project 10CHILDREN -art for change-, which also includes "The French Fries Paradise". Artistic research into child poverty is being carried out on all continents. A theatre play, a documentary film, an artistic and an educational project are being created. In Düsseldorf, the focus is on food. How is an abundance of food linked to hunger and poverty to malnutrition? And what is "silent hunger"? The topic will accompany Junges Theater Dusseldorf over a longer period of time. 

For more information go to the website Junges Schauspiel Düsseldorf


Mit Cem Bingöl, Jonathan Gyles, Eduard Lind, Leon Schamlott, Yulia Yáñez Schmidt, Aylin Celik

Regie Liesbeth Coltof

Bühne Guus van Geffen

Kostüm Martina Lebert

Musik Matts Johan Leenders

Dramaturgie Kirstin Hess

Theaterpädagogik Lena Hilberger

Förderung und Kooperation

Gefördert vom Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen. In Kooperation mit dem Amt für Soziales und Jugend der Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf.



o11.04. / 18:00


Münsterstraße 446, Bühne

Sa, 13.04. / 18:00


Münsterstraße 446, Bühne

Ausverkauft! Evtl. Restkarten an der Abendkasse

Mo, 15.04. / 18:00


Münsterstraße 446, Bühne

Für Jugendliche und Jugendfreizeiteinrichtungen. — Anmeldung bei

Ausverkauft! Evtl. Restkarten an der Abendkasse

Di, 16.04. / 10:00


Münsterstraße 446, Bühne

Mi, 17.04. / 10:00


Münsterstraße 446, Bühne

Mi, 15.05. / 10:00


Münsterstraße 446, Bühne